Sunday, February 23, 2014


Antelope Island round 2. These are my two best friends in the world. 
These two and a select few other people reeeaaaallllyyy understand me. 
I love that we're almost always on the same page. 
I don't know what I would do without them. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Usual...

President's day was nice.  Fiiiiiiinally I got a break from school.
HA... just kidding I'm not in school at the moment. 
In fact, I had to work that morning.
It was CRAAAAAAZY busy at the Pizza Factory. 
So when I got home and Blake told me we were "going outside. bring your camera,"
there were no arguments from me!! :) 
We ended up driving to Pineview!
The lake is obviously frozen over right now but it made for some pretty pictures. 
The random chair that had been left there was a nice touch. 
What a lovely day :) 
Glad I have Blake to cheer me up when I'm not in the best of moods. 
Ice, Ice, Baby!