Wednesday, August 20, 2014

SLC With My Loves

Just a little fun in SLC with two of my favorite people in the universe <3

Welcome Home Madi!

My best friend Madi is home from her mission in the Philippines!!! Ahhh I'm so happy to have her home!! She's frickin adorable!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Cheeeeeeck it Out!!

I never really think to post my fitness stuff on this blog, because I have a fitness blog that I post those things on! So I just thought I would quickly mention a couple of things on here in case anyone is interested! So right now, I am one of the sponsored athletes for FCDB (fitness competitors data base). It's a website that you make a profile for yourself (anything to do with fitness). Whether you're a personal trainer, fitness model/photographer, or if you own/work for a fitness business, it helps to get your name out there. It will make it easier to connect with other people in the fitness world. There has never been anything like this in the fitness industry, and I think it's pretty cool! It brings a lot of awesome opportunities! If you're interested, please go check out my profile: and if you like what you see, you can create one too!!
For more fitness posts please check out my fitness blog:
I haven't been the best at posting on that one lately, but there is a lot of exciting stuff coming up! :)
Thanks for the love and support!  Xoxo

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Island Park 2014

Last week my family got to go stay in a cabin for 8 days in Island Park, Idaho! It was so much fun! It was nice to just go relax and not worry about anything. It was also great to spend time with our cousins. We loved canoeing and hiking and exploring. We even saw Old Faithful in Yellowstone! It was all so pretty and such a good time. Huge thanks to my sweet mama for taking us. HUGE thank you to the sweet family that let us use their cabin at no cost. They inspire me to pay it forward and help other people with whatever skills we have. 
*que photo overload*
At Old Faithful. This could be a postcard.
SOOO many people there to watch Old Faithful!
Old Faithful!