Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tuesdays With Jack & The Girls!

Spending time with Navy and her sweet Jacky boy has been my favorite thing to do lately. Chloe and I have been going to see them almost every Tuesday and it's been sooo fun! I'm so grateful to have them. Isn't he the cutest thing?! He's at such a fun age. I love him so much!

baking Valentines cupcakes 

 This Tuesday, we went to the puppy barn! 

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Ya well... happy New Year ;)
Our friend Ken invited us on a camping trip to St.George for the weekend. We got work off and met at his house to leave. Before we left... he decided he wanted to go to Mt. Rushmore instead! Hahaha so to South Dakota we went! It took us about 12 hours there and 12 hours back (from Utah). We stopped in Wyoming on the way there and the way back. It was a fun trip. Mt.Rushmore was cool because I hadn't seen it. But in all honesty we were only at the site for about an hour hahaha here are some pix.